A Brave New World

Squared.io helped Ameliorate surface and action optimisations across new Google Ads campaign types and features.


Ameliorate were adopting new features across Google Ads activity and wanted to ensure they were minimizing wastage and maximizing efficiency to hit cost-of-sale (CoS) targets. This included employing broad match keywords, utilizing Performance Max activity, and rolling out Responsive Search Ads.

Using Squared.io insights and automation, Ameliorate was able to ensure new campaigns were set up for success while broad match activity and Responsive Search Ads were continuously optimized with ease. As result, performance across key metrics improved.

Ameliorate faced three key challenges

  • Performance Max are automated campaigns which appear across all Google inventory – making brand safety a priority. The new campaign type also relies on the shopping feed, which required constant manual checks.
  • The team adopted broad match to help drive incremental traffic. However, this resulted in an increase in spend on irrelevant and less efficient search queries. Monitoring and negating these queries was proving to be incredibly time-consuming.
  • Responsive Search Ads were difficult to optimize, with specific recommendations hard to surface and tedious to implement. Ameliorate wanted to quickly find the areas for improvement that would have the biggest impact.

Ameliorate implemented Squared.io to find a solution

  • Using Squared.io insights, Ameliorate was able to isolate Performance Max campaign settings which needed adjusting (e.g. content exclusions), as well as obtain daily feed diagnostics – helping them achieve a 100% product approval rate.
  • Using Squared.io’s add queries tool, the team quickly identified the highest spending broad match queries and were able to action them as negatives or new keywords with one click. This also surfaced new search themes (e.g. skin concerns), which they were able to support with new ad groups and dedicated ad copy created within seconds within the platform.
  • The Squared.io RSA insights transformed ad optimization by identifying individual assets negatively impacting ad strength, allowing the team to make more targeted actions.

The results

Implementing Squared.io recommendations and automation helped Ameliorate successfully roll out Performance Max and broad match activity – enabling them to improve account efficiency even while increasing spend by 25%. Campaign metrics improved considerably, with CPC decreasing by 13% and CTR more than doubling quarter on quarter. Conversion delivery also benefitted, with CoS decreasing by 32% and ROAS increasing by 74%. The team was also able to save 40% of time usually spent carrying out manual tasks.

  • CPC: -13%

  • CTR: x2+

  • CoS: -32%

  • ROAS: +74%

  • Time saved: 40%

The way we approach checks and optimisations across our Google Ads accounts has been completely transformed by Squared.io. The usability of their innovative Add Queries tool, and how effective it is at identifying rising search queries, has enabled us to surface trending consumer concerns and restructure campaigns to be more focused around these. This, in combination with their automation, has allowed us to save hours on time consuming and menial tasks. Squared helped ease our nervousness around testing new campaign types by flagging brand safety insights. While we’ve also utilised their negative keyword features to ensure we’re always adhering to contractual agreements.

Chris Becker

Paid Media Manager
THG – Beauty Brands Division

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