Search queries & negative keywords

Managing search queries and negative keywords are two of the most time consuming tasks when running a Google Ads account - let us help!

Add Queries Tool

Add Queries Tool

The Add Queries tool deduplicates, filters and prioritises the search queries being bought in your account and uses a machine learning algorithm to determine the best location in your account for any new keywords. This allows you to understand your search queries faster and take action with a single click, adding new keywords, negative keywords or even new ad groups!

n-Grams Report

n-Grams Report

A Google Ads account can trigger for thousands, if not millions, of different search terms every day, so being able to identify patterns in those search terms can help you deal with them at scale.

The n-grams report shows you the aggregated performance for every word or phrase in your missing queries, allowing you to quickly see which words or phrases could be expanded into new keyword themes, ad groups or that need to be negated.

Negative keywords

Negative keywords

Negative keywords play a pivotal role in the management of search queries, however handling shared negative lists across multiple accounts can become intricate and consequently susceptible to errors.

With's Negative Keyword List, you can effectively manage a single negative list that can be applied to individual accounts or a group of them. This streamlined approach allows you to maintain just one list, significantly diminishing the likelihood of mistakes or inconsistencies!