Driving Success

Squared.io insights and automation helped the7stars save time and increase efficiency on the Suzuki account during a challenging period


the7stars needed to prove the effectiveness of paid search to give Suzuki the confidence to fully relaunch their activity after it was paused during the UK lockdown, ensuring they were able to deliver efficiency while scaling activity.

Using Squared.io, the7stars were able to find any inefficiencies upon launch and take action immediately. The team also used the platform to add new queries quickly and easily, as well as automatically apply best practices across the account with automation.

The challenge

  • The auto industry was severely affected by lockdown measures imposed in the UK. Suzuki decided to pause Google Ads activity in March but were ready to reactivate by mid-April.
  • Suzuki wanted to ensure budget was being spent as efficiently as possible and prove success of the campaigns to be able come back to the pre-lockdown spend levels. Initially, core brand terms were reactivated whilst low search competition brand terms remained paused to save budget, which was then reused to drive incremental traffic through generic activity.

The solution

  • Using the Squared.io daily audit, the7stars were able to find aspects of the account with inefficient spend, such as non-converting keywords and low Quality Score keywords, and quickly make changes to consistently reduce CPA after relaunching.
  • Squared.io automation then helped the7stars expand the account by automatically adding high spending search queries as exact match keywords. The team were also able to capitalise on new search trends using the Add Queries Tool to surface the queries their competitors were ranking for organically and add them as new keywords with one click.

The results

Audit actions and automation improved the Squared.io score by 14% after relaunching. This resulted in CTR increasing by 76%, CPC decreasing by 36% and CPA dropping by 44%. These improvements gave Suzuki the confidence to increase spend to the original planned level.

  • CPC: -36%

  • CTR: +76%

  • CPA: -44%

  • Time saved: 40%

The way we approach checks and optimisations across our Google Ads accounts has been completely transformed by Squared.io. The usability of their innovative Add Queries tool, and how effective it is at identifying rising search queries, has enabled us to surface trending consumer concerns and restructure campaigns to be more focused around these. This, in combination with their automation, has allowed us to save hours on time consuming and menial tasks. Squared helped ease our nervousness around testing new campaign types by flagging brand safety insights. While we’ve also utilised their negative keyword features to ensure we’re always adhering to contractual agreements.

Laura Gudaite

Paid Search

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