Google Ads

An intelligent automation and audit platform for Google Ads which analyzes your accounts daily for opportunities and issues

The time saving we’ve gained from has been invaluable… ...The audits that’s automation is built on is based on best in class best practices and our improvements of our core metrics are a testament to that. With time saved, the team have been able to do more and this has also driven great business results, so it’s a win-win for us.

Kiran Parmar

Global Head of Search

How it works

Daily scores that measure accounts against best practice guidelines across Google Ads. Optimization suggestions and automation with our API integration.

Overall to do list

Daily to-do list

Get daily insights with a spend weighted prioritized task list for every account on Google Ads, all whilst tracking account health and optimization progress.

Receive alerts for major account issues and errors and view core account metrics with a customisable date range to monitor performance.

  • Optimization score

    Optimization score

    Optimization score carries out hygiene checks for infringements of best practice across settings, structure, ads, errors, and bidding.

    Penalties include negative keyword conflicts, missing audiences on RLSA campaigns, and campaigns with no shared libraries applied. Excel downloads of the affected campaigns, ad groups and keywords are provided enabling optimization suggestions to be implemented immediately.

    • Automate

      Automate the application of best practice settings including “location of presence” and excluding the Google Display Network and the Search Partner Network.

    • High quality standards

      Get daily prioritized quick fixes, including negative conflicts and missing audiences. Find missing negative lists and automatically apply them via

    • Groups

      Group accounts to get our insights across multiple accounts in one place. Access a keyword overlap report to find cannibalization occurring across your accounts.

  • Optimization score

    Audience score

    Audience score reviews the structure and targeting implemented across your account. This includes surfacing how queries are matching to keywords and different campaign types. Your feed is reviewed to show optimization opportunities, such as improving the granularity of product categories. These factors help pinpoint where query matching could be improved.

    Structural issues such as misrouting queries or duplicate keywords are highlighted, as well as targeting errors like targeting the world or inconsist language targeting.

    • Automate

      Automate the application of routing negative keywords, the removal of weaker performing duplicate keywords, and negatives for paused keywords.

    • One-click SQRs

      Use the Add Queries feature for one-click SQRs. See the highest spending queries and our ad group suggestions to quickly add as new keywords or negatives.

    • Organic insights

      Get a gap analysis from relevant organic search listings for your PPC activity, looking at both your own and competitor domains. Download organic overlap reports to surface potential cost savings.

  • Optimization score

    Engagement score

    Engagement score assess the factors affecting customer interaction with your advertising from a relevancy, visual appeal and ad rank perspective.

    This includes highlighting keywords that need to have improved quality score, RSA’s with a low ad strength and missing ad extensions.

    It can also provide quick insight into disapproved ads, meaning identification and re-approvals happen much faster.

    • RSA insights

      Get a line-by-line analysis of your under-performing RSA ad copy, highlighting where improvements could be made. As well as finding ad groups missing RSAs.

    • Quality score tracking

      Track keywords with a poor Quality Score with our traffic light system. Monitor changes to keyword Quality Score across your entire account to see the impact of your changes.

    • Shopping insights

      Link your Merchant Centre feed with to surface feed insights in the platform - such as products with no/invalid category and zero click products.

  • Optimization score

    Reach score

    Reach score measures impression share, highlighting opportunities to expand reach in strong areas and help with budget planning.

    Shopping ad groups are included to surface high performance products that could be missing out on reach due to budgets or bidding.

    Get diagnostic information for products in the feed which need attention.

    • Automated budget tracking

      Use our automated budget tracker to get daily budget pacing information highlighting where your attention is needed to get spend on track.

    • Disapprovals

      Find disapprovals across your keywords, ads, and shopping feed products. Includes a downloadable report with diagnostic information to help you fix the issue.

    • Automate

      Automate the removal of “low search volume” keywords and zero impression ad groups to help simplify account management.

  • Optimization score

    Conversion score

    Conversion score helps prevent wasted spend across your account. The keywords and shopping product groups which are spending the most money but not delivering conversions or have a high bounce rate are highlighted.

    Validate shopping performance changes with the discontinued products and out of stock product reports.

    CPA is reviewed across your entire account to surface the keywords or entities driving the highest cost per acquisition.

    • Inefficient spend

      Surface the least efficient areas of your account with the highest spending keyword and products with recent conversions or a high bounce rate.

    • Shopping validation

      Get daily out of stock products and discontinued products reports with recent performance data to help you validate performance changes in shopping campaigns.

    • Merging

      Merge multiple Google Ads accounts into one account to see spend-weighted insights across shopping and search.

The automation that provides has made a significant impact across the team. The account performance and efficiencies have improved considerably and we’re able to reinvest time in more impactful work.

Katie Millwaters

Paid Performance Director
Havas Media

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